Our Sessions

Integral Therapy emphasizes the need to look at the person as a whole.  From the physical, including nutritional and environmental factors, to the spiritual, social, and lifestyle choices and practices.

Specialty Therapies

Specialty Therapies

Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy is the adaptation of a yoga practice designed for the individual’s own needs.  It uses the various tools of physical movement with various breath techniques.  Also included is the use of sound, meditation, and self-study.  We can all benefit from the one-on-one program designed to meet you where you are today.

Medical research shows that Yoga Therapy is among the most effective complimentary therapies for the stresses of life.  When yoga tools are practiced with therapeutic intentions, you can either prevent or help alleviate the symptoms of illness on the physical, mental, and emotional layers of your life.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavior Medicine is a special type of therapy that supports the unique issues of people diagnosed with medical illnesses.  This therapy is designed for people who may not have a mental health problem, rather those who want to better manage their physical condition.  Treatment aims to reduce the intensity and frequency of illness symptoms, improve your quality of life, provide support for medical decision making or health education, improve coping skills, and reduce stress and worry.

Behavioral medicine therapy is helpful for people who have health symptoms that keep them from living their lives as they would like, such as not being able to take part in activities they once could or experiencing strains in their personal relationships.  People who have found that life stress makes their symptoms worse, who are very worried about their illness, who feel depressed or anxious because of their condition, or do not have a good support network also find behavioral treatments to be very useful.  Finally, people who need help with making medical decisions or find that they are seeing their physician much more frequently than they would like are likely to benefit.

Play Therapy

PLAY THERAPY,  Children create play that resembles the difficult or traumatic experiences they are struggling with internally.  When facilitated by a trained play therapist, the play becomes focused on the purposes of emotional healing.

This leads to a reduction of symptoms (i.e. acting out and aggressive behaviors, somatic complaints, withdrawal or regression, etc.) and the reestablishment of balance in the child’s sense of well-being. 

Additional Therapies

Additional Therapies

  • Individual Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Education Consultation
  • Group Therapy

"Stacey has helped our family through so many of the ups and downs of life--some major, most minor. She has given all of us strategies to manage our emotions so that we're successful in our endeavors. She's always approached the most challenging situations with real empathy instead of judgement. We've all always felt her compassion and we trust her judgement!"


Stacey has been a game changer for both of my children and their individual unique needs. She creates a space where they both feel supported, heard and understood. In a world where they sometimes feel like outsiders, Stacey shows them how to recognize and honor their strengths while giving them a voice to self advocate.


“Stacey introduced herself to me and my “circle of friends” through a clinic/school for children with motor impairments. Having a brother with CP that she was guardian of and coordinated his care made her and the skills she had acquired so very valuable to us as parents and caregivers of our disabled children. She hosted a series of free sessions for us parents and caregivers to teach us some relaxation techniques and mindful strategies as she recognized and knew first hand how stressful our daily lives were. I attended and realized quickly what a uniquely classified and empathetic therapist she was and how much she could help me and others in my situation. How generous of her to recognize a need in our community and fulfill it! Stacey has continued to offer her unique therapeutic services and has the ability to acknowledge and understand the unusual situations and stresses that having a disabled child comes with. She has given us hope, confidence and coping strategies that are in use everyday and we are so grateful having a therapist like her with us on our journey.”

Ed and Diane

I’m ready when you are! Contact me today to start your healing journey.